Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hand Made Starfish Wedding Invitations

Recently, I have received several requests for an invitation that coordinates with my Starfish/Wave save the date cards. I've gone through a few rounds and finally come up with an invitation design that I'm happy with. I now have a complete Starfish/Wave collection which includes invitations, save the dates, thank you notes and table number cards.

Thanks for all your requests!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wedding Bliss

I love weddings. Did I mention I love weddings? Well, I do.

Weddings are happy occasions where everyone looks bright, fresh and happy. It's also one of the few occasions where people still get dressed up. :)  Guests arrive, vows are spoken, bird seed is thrown and then there's music, dinner and dancing. What's not to love?

For the past year, I have been slowly but steadily working on creating a line of wedding stationery using my artwork and I have to say, it's been fun! It's also been a learning experience. Researching popular themes and color combinations and still trying to keep the design ideas original. Brides like to have something unique to make their wedding stand out from all the others.

When trying to come up with ideas, I usually like to start out by scouring through wedding magazines to get inspired and most of the time, I end up hitting the sketch book almost instantly! I'll write down my ideas, doodle some little thumbnail sketches and then, if it feels right, start working on the actual design.

Here is one of my recent designs, starting with the initial sketch of the artwork:

Then adding the watercolor:

After the color has been put in and I'm happy with the artwork, I will scan it into my computer, clean up and color correct the image and layout the design:

Once the design is all laid out, it's off to the printer! I have to stress that it's very important to get a color proof to check the accuracy of the color (and everything else!) before spending a bunch of time and money having a couple hundred printed up.

The final design: